
Storm and Silos (three pictures)

Saturday evening, a storm was rolling through Creston, Iowa, and just as it was passing through, the setting sun broke out in an opening to the west. The colors and light were amazing. I quickly grabbed a camera and headed out the door. This grain elevator is about a mile north of town and I had just a few minutes to get the pictures before the sun disappeared.



Storm and Silos 1, Canon 6D with Olympus OMZ 35-80/2.8 zoom.



Storm and Silos 2, Canon 6D with Olympus OMZ 35-80/2.8 zoom.



Storm and Silos 3, Canon 6D with Olympus OMZ 35-80/2.8 zoom.

Ken Norton

knorton Tue, 04/18/2017 - 19:33

BROCK - Grain Silo

Submitted by K Norton on Fri, 02/10/2017 - 14:58


BROCK - Grain Silo, Creston, IA.

Photo was taken with the Olympus E-3 with DZ 40-150 zoom lens at 150mm. ISO 100, F7.1, 1/400. Exposure adjusted in Lightroom to darken the silo and create the contrast of a B&W print which still contains the color of the scene.


Brown Cloud

Submitted by K Norton on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 19:39
Brown Cloud
Brown Cloud

This is a photograph taken in May, 2013 just north of Creston, Iowa. A line of storms had just passed through before sunset and this photo was taken as the sun was getting very low in the sky. Some of the clouds were still in bright sunlight, others were in shadow while this brown cloud was lit by the lowest bit of sun.

Camera used was the Panasonic DMC-L1 with an adapted OM Zuiko 24/2.8 lens. Image processed in Lightroom.