Canon FD 35-70mm f/3.5~4.5 bayonet mount

Canon FD 35-70mm f/3.5~4.5 bayonet mount Canon AE-1 with self timer only

@ 35mm setting Vignetting = C+ @ f/3.5, B @ f/5, A thereafter Distortion = pronounced barrel 
Aperture Center Corner 
f/3.5    B      C 
f/5      A-     B-
f/7      A      B+ 
f/10     A-     A- 
f/14.5   B+     B+ 
f/20     B      B 
Notes: moderately high contrast at f/3.5 and f/5; high contrast at f/7 anf f/20; very high contrast at f/10 and f/14.5.Markedly lower performance in the corners at all three focal lengths tested, although a generally contrasty lens - but at the expense of resolution. Distortion typical of short, standard zooms with few elements.

@ 50mm setting Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter  Distortion = moderate pincushion 
Aperture Center Corner 
f/4.0    C      C 
f/5.6    B-     C+ 
f/8      B      B- 
f/11     B      B+ 
f/16     B+     B+
f/22     B+     B+ 
Note: moderate contrast at f/4;moderately high contrast at f/5.6 through f/11;high contrast at f/16 to f/22.

@ 70mm setting Vignetting = B @ f/4.5, A- @ f/6.3, A thereafter Distortion = moderate pincushion 
Aperture Center Corner 
f/4.5    C      C- 
f/6.3    C+     C 
f/9      B-     C+ 
f/12.5   A-     B-
f/18     B+     B 
f/25     B      B 
Note:moderately high contrast at f/4.5 through f/18;high contrast in center at f/25, but moderate in corner.