Nikon Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5~4.5 AIS

Nikon Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5~4.5 AIS
Nikon F w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire

@ 28mm focal length
Vignetting = B @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture Center Corner
f/3.5    B      B-
f/5.6    B      B-
f/8      B+     B+
f/11     A      A-
f/16     B+     B+
f/22     B+     B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/5.5, moderately high contrast at f/3.5 (perhaps due to slight underexposure) and at f/8 to f/22.

@ 50mm focal length
Vignetting = A at all apertures
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture Center Corner
f/4      B      C+
f/5.6    B      B-
f/8      B+     B
f/11     B+     A-
f/16     A-     B+
f/22     B+     B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/8 to f/22, moderately high contrast at f/4 to f/5.6.

@ 85mm focal length
Vignetting = A- @ f/4.5, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture Center Corner
f/4.5    C+     B-
f/5.6    B      B
f/8      B      B
f/11     A-     B+
f/16     A-     A-
f/22     B+     B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/4.5, moderately high contrast at f/5.6 to f/22.