An Album of Random Images.
Green River
Well, take me back down where cool water flow, yeh. Let me remember things I love. Stoppin' at the log where catfish bite, Walkin' along the river road at night, Barefoot girls dancin' in the moonlight. I can hear the bull frog callin' me. Wonder
Burial Vault
Old Catholic Cemetery, New Orleans
Hills behind Lake Dunstan.
Anyone for a Drink?
Theatre Festival
Bill Syniar
Classical Blast at Rocks Lounge
Here's To A Great Show!
The Arcada Theatre, St. Charles, IL
Dry Skeleton
Resting Hulk
Columbine @ 100%
A Girl and Her T-Rex
Julia Weiss
A Wise Old Baboon
Date: 08/20/2017 Views: 3120