An Album of Random Images.
Glowing Storm Clouds, Creston, Iowa. Panasonic DMC-L1.
There is a stream about 20 feet behind the trees. Water is not supposed to be flowing through the trees onto the grass.
Cedar Waxwing 4
Little Drummer Boy
The Arcada Theatre, St. Charles, IL
Chad and Sheri-ee
Fiddler's Hearth, South Bend, IN
Chicago Abstract III
Chicago, IL
Flutter sm
WHOOPS! Almost missed.E-1,100/2.8 OMZ
Bronze Aviator
Tampa International Airport
Big Bird
We have big birds at our feeder.
Bug out. Panasonic DMC-L1. OM Zuiko 50/1.4 with extension.
Hosta flowers
Date: 09/02/2016 Views: 3319