An Album of Random Images.
Irises with Zuiko 35-70 on E-3
Irises with Zuiko 35-70
Irises with DZ 14-54 on E-3
Irises with DZ 14-54
Irises with Zuiko 135 on E3
Irises with Zuiko 135
E-3 set-up using Sigma 90/2.8 macro
Daffodown-dilly "King Alfred"
King Alfred
E-3 and Zuiko 135/4
E-3 and Panagor extreme close-up
Moss photographed using Sigma macro
Moss on rocks recorded by E-3 and Panagor macro lens
Moss on the rocks beside the crocuses
Moss sigma
Quince bloom close-up
Opening crocus bud 1
Date: 02/17/2013 Views: 5576