Recent Additions and Changes.
Rear of C-17 with isolation unit.
Exit of isolation unit.
Photographer above cargo bay.
Apache visits-2
Tighter shot of same Apache. What's it doing here?
Apache visits-1
Wide shot of an Apache visiting our airfield
Post-Christmas gathering
_DXT4892 Rafael – asleep
Rafy, asleep
_DXT4848 Friday photography
A parachuting company's caravan is put to bed in the face of strengthening winds.
_DXT4851 Friday photography
A country road and signpost.
_DXT4854 Friday photography
An 8th Air Force memorial on RAF Polebrook, the last of the hardstandings.
_DXT4845 Friday photography
Plenty of aircraft to fly and lovely weather, but no crash cover (fire engine).
Date: 03/17/2016 Views: 6233