An Album of Random Images.
Red Belly
Red Bellied Woodpecker. Grab shot with a P$S.(severe cropped !)
Adios amigos
Whoops! Mom's going and we're outa here! E-1, OMZ 300/4.5
Sigma 500
RB droid selfie
Selfie... the old way!(Some guys never catch up to technology.)
Bees III_1
Better view?
Lookin 2
Here's lookin' at you...E1 w 300/4.5 OMZ
Crow cover proof = jpeg
Not exactly a photo ;o) This is the cover (front & back) of my new children's book,and it's now available on
Killer in action
Caught in the act...Oly C5050Z 1/8 @ f8
IMG_5514 maple 03192017
Whoa! There's the snow. Not much, but it was a surprise. Canon G5
Icey deck
Even the birds were slippin' and slidin'.
Brave little squirrel facing down the camera.E-1, OMZ 100/2. Heavy crop)
Snow flower
(Through the window... I'm not going out til SPRING - the real one!) Our mid-morning snow squall.
Date: 04/26/2009 Views: 4807