An Album of Random Images.
Tulip photo
Luna Moth on the hood of Judi's Nissan. E-1/OM 50/3.5
A Sheltered Tale
A Sheltering Tail - Soggy squirrel uses his tail to offset this morning's downpour.E-1, 135/2.8 OMZ-E 4.5@1/60, iso 800
Oriole -- classic Audubon pose
la mirada del otro
'Every breath you take And every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you'
Pair of bucks
Take your pick.(Eat your heart out paulfish)Cheers, Woodsman Rick
4 cousins Catching up again3
All four grandchildren
Axes etc
Isle Royale After The Sunset. Olympus E-1. 30 second exposure taken about a half-hour past sunset. Zero editing in Adobe Lightroom.
Date: 03/27/2013 Views: 3384