An Album of Random Images.
Bunker Busted II
Old Porter Memorial Hospital
Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm F3.5 Macro (at F3.5)
Going home
Two waxeyes
8-3-2013HPT 1053
P1310215 Kansas Red
Kansas Red
_DXT4851 Friday photography
A country road and signpost.
E-1 and E-3 comparative shot. Processed identically in Lightroom. WB was set off of the roof of the orange VW Bus.
tormenta en el océano Atlántico (toma 2) - [storm on the Atlantic ocean (take 2)]
34°58'16.9"S 54°57'00.9"W - January 2014
Brandensaurus Rex
Date: 10/04/2013 Views: 4947