An Album of Random Images.
Killer in action
Caught in the act...Oly C5050Z 1/8 @ f8
Hunters Bowie
Another re-craft, this self-hilted (That radius has a rolled edge) hunter from an old stainless chefs knife.Oly E-1 w 100/2.8
Snow flower
(Through the window... I'm not going out til SPRING - the real one!) Our mid-morning snow squall.
Lil Blue guys
Tiny little perennials... only about an inch across.(I'll have to look up the name.)
Too close... nearly fell off the deck trying get far enough back to focus the big gun, E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Azelea in the rain E-1, 12-60 OMD
One blue guy
Here's one up close.All the flower shots with the Olympus C-5050.
Time to PREY! (re-posted) This is closer to what I saw.
CONFUSION - Another morning walk (It's the dog.)this time in the fog. Found this web coated with moisture as the sun came up.
Bees III_1
Better view?
Lookin 2
Here's lookin' at you...E1 w 300/4.5 OMZ
Bee n beetle
The E-1 again with the OMZ 135/2.8 I need to dig out my close-up rings.
Date: 01/25/2014 Views: 3610