An Album of Random Images.
la Sainte-Chapelle
órbitas [orbits]
-34° 55' 1.44" S., -56° 10' 6.78" W.
Churrinche; vermilion flycatcher - Pyrocephalus rubinus
-33° 14' 13.59", -54° 51' 3.56"
Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre (interior)
jazmín en noviembre - near [ november jazmine - close]
Luna en perigeo del 20 de Marzo de 2011 (nº 1)
warming the inner coldness (warmer and more structured version)
loto 1 [lotus 1] (Marzo - March 2013)
loto 2 [lotus 2] (Marzo - March 2013)
two of a kind (not one)
parque del Prado durante Mayo - [ Prado park during May ]
Date: 01/10/2014 Views: 3203