Bay Walk
A family enjoying their stroll along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline in Calvert County Maryland on one of the last warm days. Canon G5
Date: 09/16/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4409
Calvert Cliffs
The 'cliffs' of Calvert. Captain John Smith (of Pocahontas fame)likened these to the White Cliffs of Dover.(Quite obviously, he was homesick.) Canon G5
Date: 09/16/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4908
Last of the nasties
OUCH! Got too close to my work.
Barely felt the sting on my face,
but that night my lip was so swollen
I could hardly drink my coffee.
E-1, 3.5/50mm OM Zuiko macro
Date: 10/23/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4556
Time to PREY! (re-posted)
This is closer to what I saw.
Date: 08/31/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4067
P8311022 First Bfly
First B'fly shot this year.Inspired by Jim to try an old favorite - my OMZ 2.8/100on the E-1. Sorry, I can't nail the focus like he did ;-(
Date: 08/31/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4171
Too close... nearly fell off the deck trying get far enough back to focus the big gun,
E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Date: 07/23/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4125
Heads up... the twins are here.
Newest additions to the herd.
We now have three little ones bouncing around.
E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Date: 07/17/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4458
Look what I found...
The fawns discover the groundhog
...and how fast it can move.
E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Date: 07/26/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4594
Velvet buck auditions for Santa's team?
E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ, 1/50 @5.6 handheld.
iso 1600 (ugh!)
Date: 07/12/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4268
Who is that, Mommy?
One of this year's newest additions (editions?)visiting our outback is startled by another doe.
Date: 06/28/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5001
Big lady
Had to stand on a chair to catch this girl.
E-1 w OMD
Date: 06/20/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4313
"Dead Bear" on a rainey morinig
Poohbear was no match for the 65# Husky
Date: 05/06/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4498