An Album of Random Images.
IMG_5435 Fog on the river
LILY - Man, I love this old kit: E-1, OMD 12-60
Bees III_1
Better view?
Icey Japanese Maple
Before the snow... we got the ice!
Peter Max intro
Anyone know a good auction house? Original Peter Max acrylic on acetate circa 1970 Actual size 6 1/2" X 10". Some age spots showing.
P8311022 First Bfly
First B'fly shot this year.Inspired by Jim to try an old favorite - my OMZ 2.8/100on the E-1. Sorry, I can't nail the focus like he did ;-(
Stealth Mode
Boo comments
Aurora Rusty Boo responds to Leo Wesson's Sibe "Ivan".
Just for fun - Boardwalk at the town of North Beach on the Chesapeake Bay. Annual wine tasting event & beach romp.
Chow Call C-Rats
Desert banquet - cold C-rations from the back of a truck.
Double Daffy
, 12-60 OMD @ 60mm as shot, as shot, mild crop
Date: 09/03/2015 Views: 4060