An Album of Random Images.
Hanging Chad?
Old Porter Memorial Hospital
Watery Dreams
Old mall
Probably fin de siecle mall. 9-18mm
A Sheltered Tale
A Sheltering Tail - Soggy squirrel uses his tail to offset this morning's downpour.E-1, 135/2.8 OMZ-E 4.5@1/60, iso 800
Dr. Alkadri (color)
Valparaiso, IN
Mt Cook
An Evening of Stunt Kite Flying. Grand Haven, Michigan. Photo taken with the OM-2S.
There is a stream about 20 feet behind the trees. Water is not supposed to be flowing through the trees onto the grass.
Oriole male
The living quarters have a nice sunroom...
Flowing Fog
E-1 and E-3 comparative shot. Processed identically in Lightroom. WB was set off of the roof of the orange VW Bus.
Date: 08/17/2022 Views: 6244