Barb goes to start the Escort to go shopping
Date: 02/08/2020
Owner: Dean C Hansen
Views: 1545
7:29 PM EDT. Note how the moon has advanced upward relative to Venus in the 34 minutes since the first shot. Manual focus, with some difficulty due to my aging eyes.
Date: 03/22/2015
Owner: Dean C Hansen
Views: 5871
Getting darker. 7:18 PM EDT. The light from the crescent moon fooled the E-410's meter--I had to underexpose by two stops. Venus looks just slightly below the tip of the moon's crescent.
Date: 03/22/2015
Owner: Dean C Hansen
Views: 6208
Moon/Venus conjunction 22 March, 2015. Appropriately, shot just north of Venus, FL., about 20 minutes after sundown. Olympus E-410, OM 40-150mm lens, solid Bogen 3011 tripod mount (a gentle nudge at Ken). 6:55 PM, EDT.
Date: 03/22/2015
Owner: Dean C Hansen
Views: 6555