An Album of Random Images.
My daughter's backyard at 5:20am
Night Train
Second-to-last train of the evening Eastbound out of Chicago
Evening Entertainment.
Waxing crescent Moon sets over Maldonado bay
Tripod mounted Olympus OM 4Ti on Spot reading mode, H. Zuiko 24mm ƒ/2,8 @ ƒ/5,6. film: Fuji Velvia 100 - File size: 1080 pixel high.
Comet PanSTARRS C/2011 L4
Approaching the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge
OM 4T, Zuiko 50-250 f5 at f22. Auto -2/3 EC, Kod Ektar 100
Starry Mountain
Rua da Boavista 78, C*5Dii, OM 35mm shift, f5,6
4-6-2013HPT 896s
Dirt Track Torque (After Dark)
Date: 03/09/2013 Views: 4583