An Album of Random Images.
Hunters Bowie
Another re-craft, this self-hilted (That radius has a rolled edge) hunter from an old stainless chefs knife.Oly E-1 w 100/2.8
RB droid selfie
Selfie... the old way!(Some guys never catch up to technology.)
Troopship KW
Man's inhumanity to man = A U.S. troopship during the Korean War (Among the things the recruiter never told you!)
Backyard party
Just a reminder of what's coming soon! (Crappy Droid phone shot taken Mar 2014.)
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book sampling the feeder on our deck. E-1, 50/1.4@f4
P31113748 sigma 500.8
Olympus E-1 w/mirror lens
Brave little squirrel facing down the camera.E-1, OMZ 100/2. Heavy crop)
Double Daffy
, 12-60 OMD @ 60mm as shot, as shot, mild crop
Bay Walk
A family enjoying their stroll along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline in Calvert County Maryland on one of the last warm days. Canon G5
Athlete at work E-1, 300-4.5 OMZ
Rhody 1
Rhody in bloom "Hail Mary" shot with camera overhead.
P3121390 the sneak thief
Date: 12/10/2014 Views: 4802