P3111382 Zuiko 300-4.5
Date: 03/11/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5561
One of our many fuzzy tails eating bird food.
Sometimes I think we're raising the whole colony.
E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Date: 03/05/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5541
We have a ton of Cardinals... sometimes five or six males at the same time. Don't they know they're territorial?
E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Date: 03/05/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5127
Tripod relacement... not really, but one helluva space saver.
Date: 03/04/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 6047
My friend Red
Date: 02/28/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 6685
Not so much
And that's not too bad.
Hopefully, that's the last snow we see this year.
(Timidly taken from my sliding door to the deck.)
Canon G5, in my robe & slippers (Old guy garb)
Date: 01/30/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5627
Mid-term exam
These are some tough kids...(Relax - It's a gym (P.E.) class.) Cell phone shot
Date: 06/03/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5269
IMG_5435 Fog on the river
Date: 01/21/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 5302
Crow why he returns
Now you know! E-1, 50/1.4 OMZ@f4
Date: 01/16/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4547
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book
sampling the feeder on our deck.
E-1, 50/1.4@f4
Date: 01/16/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4406
Big Bird
We have big birds at our feeder.
Date: 12/15/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4512
Herd in snow
Yes, I did put corn out for our little dependents.
Date: 01/08/2017
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4731