An Album of Random Images.
D2014_DSF2217 London
Stall in Borough Market
D2013_DSF1225 St Pancras
Eurostar at Rest
D2014_DSF0024 Cir-Pol
Landscape shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
D2013_DSF0808 Shipton-Gorge
Cart track into the mandibles of trees.
D2013_DSF1219 France
St Thomas Aquinas, St Germain
Bluebells as a backdrop.
D2015_DSF4069 Cambridge
King's College, Cambridge and Chapel, from the River Cam.
_DXT4854 Friday photography
An 8th Air Force memorial on RAF Polebrook, the last of the hardstandings.
D2014_DSF2227 London
Indian Street Food was the name of the stall. It was delicious!
Photographer above cargo bay.
Rear of C-17 with isolation unit.
D2014_DSF2247 London
Waiting for the train with the City of London at night through the windows. The Tower Bridge is in the distance.
Date: 01/12/2013 Views: 3149