An Album of Random Images.
D2014_DSF0024 Cir-Pol
Landscape shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
Dry Skeleton
Resting Hulk
D2014_DSF2245 London
St Paul's Cathedral at sunset, looking north.
D2014_DSF2247 London
Waiting for the train with the City of London at night through the windows. The Tower Bridge is in the distance.
D2014_DSF2244 London
City of London at sunset.
D2014_DSF0025 Cir-Pol
Portrait shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
A keen photographer and lover of traditional sports cars.
Fathers Day
Father's Day card
D2013IMG_0953 Sandwood
Two wet people not quite at Sandwood Bay . . .
D2013_DSF1270 France
La Flamme at Ouistreham, a memorial to French commandos who died during the invasion. The Union Flag
D2013_CB_0460 Duxford
D2014_DSF2233 London
Standing food in Borough Market – delicious!
Date: 02/08/2014 Views: 3566