An Album of Random Images.
Ron Carter Trio 30 Sept 2013
small jurasic park
" – Ah ! Je me réveille à peine… Je vous demande pardon… Je suis encore toute décoiffée… " [Le Petit Prince].
-34° 54' 4.23"S., -56° 9' 23.12" W.
18 de Julio esquina Julio Herrera y Obes, Montevideo, Uruguay.
34.906238 S.,56.194737 W.
a view in reds and greens.
-34° 55' 15.46" S., -56° 9' 45.81" W.
en construcción [under construction]
posando para un retrato [posing for a portrait]
esos pinos hacia el Este [those pine trees to the East].
Harbor, (n.) A place where ships taking shelter from stores are exposed to the fury of the customs.
garza blanca y Poseidon conversando en el parque - [ white heron and Poseidon talking in the park ].
-34° 54' 49.94" S., -56° 10' 3.64" W.
"navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse."
-34° 54' 24.83" S., -54° 55' 15.90" W.
mi playa [my beach]
Date: 09/03/2015 Views: 3779