An Album of Random Images.
Lenten Rose bloom E-1, 12-60 OMD
Luna Moth on the hood of Judi's Nissan. E-1/OM 50/3.5
One blue guy
Here's one up close.All the flower shots with the Olympus C-5050.
Chow Call C-Rats
Desert banquet - cold C-rations from the back of a truck.
Laying track (2)
Athlete at work E-1, 300-4.5 OMZ
Rhody 1
Rhody in bloom "Hail Mary" shot with camera overhead.
Red Belly
Red Bellied Woodpecker. Grab shot with a P$S.(severe cropped !)
Big lady
Had to stand on a chair to catch this girl. E-1 w OMD
Icey deck
Even the birds were slippin' and slidin'.
Amy's gift (Edited to provide the name of the bloom,)
Another shade lover, a gift from our youngest daughter. This is the Lenten Rose, a member of the Hellebore family.
Date: 05/31/2013 Views: 3758