Chuck house on right and overflowing pond at left
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 5610
And no water here either
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 4689
A closer view of the overflow rip-rap. It's not clear at this point whether water is flowing in or out of the pond.
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 4063
Since the pond is about 3-4 feet over normal level it is flowing (by design) over rip-rap rocks to drain into the stream
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 3700
Back to normal water level in the pond. There is a lower level drain pipe behind the silver grate to maintain normal water level
Date: 09/03/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 3451
There is a stream about 20 feet behind the trees. Water is not supposed to be flowing through the trees onto the grass.
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 3364
Nor is there supposed to be any water here
Date: 09/02/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 3264
Tropical storm Julia is passing by and left this in a lull
Date: 09/14/2016
Owner: Chuck Norcutt
Views: 3095