An Album of Random Images.
Volunteer sunflower from seeds from bird feeder. Oly E-1 w 100/2.8
Bay Walk
A family enjoying their stroll along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline in Calvert County Maryland on one of the last warm days. Canon G5
Peter Max holiday cards
Peter's version of Christmas... have about a half-dozen, all different. Fair condition.
WHO - crop
Who, ME? Now we see where the birdfood went. (Another crappy cellphone pix...)
E-1/OM 50/3.5
The apprentice_1
Young Goldfinch absorbs his elders approach to the feeding station. E-1 w/135/2.8 OMZ
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book sampling the feeder on our deck. E-1, 50/1.4@f4
P3121392 Little Scamp
Who dat?
New fawn meets his new neighbor.The groundhog is this years's batch, too. E-1, OMZ 300/4.5
hody CU
Big and beautiful
We have a ton of Cardinals... sometimes five or six males at the same time. Don't they know they're territorial? E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
CROCUS - A little sunshine!
Date: 01/25/2014 Views: 3691