An Album of Random Images.
Finally, some color! Daffies have buds, but nothing open. Was about to give up when I spotted this little (1") Crocus under the J/Maple.
LILY - Man, I love this old kit: E-1, OMD 12-60
Crow why he returns
Now you know! E-1, 50/1.4 OMZ@f4
Just before picking! Grown in a pot on the dech.
Volunteer Too
Another Volunteer sunflower under the feeder.Oly E-1 w 100/2.8
IMG_5435 Fog on the river
One blue guy
Here's one up close.All the flower shots with the Olympus C-5050.
Brave little squirrel facing down the camera.E-1, OMZ 100/2. Heavy crop)
Blue Eyes
Backyard party
Just a reminder of what's coming soon! (Crappy Droid phone shot taken Mar 2014.)
Boo comments
Aurora Rusty Boo responds to Leo Wesson's Sibe "Ivan".
Date: 04/09/2015 Views: 5097