An Album of Random Images.
Mid-term exam
These are some tough kids...(Relax - It's a gym (P.E.) class.) Cell phone shot
Too close... nearly fell off the deck trying get far enough back to focus the big gun, E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Rhody 3
And slowly opens
Bees III_1
Better view?
Bee & friend
Busy Bee and her little friend. Old Canon PowerShot G5 in macro-mode
Woods Poppy
One of my favorite little flowers.. the shade loving "Woods Poppy" self-seeding and quietly spreading around our front porch (stoop , actually)
Time to PREY! (re-posted) This is closer to what I saw.
Laying track (2)
Azelea in the rain E-1, 12-60 OMD
P3111382 Zuiko 300-4.5
Mom & twins
New mom and her offspring come to visit. E-1 w/OMZ300/4.5
Peter Max holiday cards
Peter's version of Christmas... have about a half-dozen, all different. Fair condition.
Date: 06/21/2010 Views: 4421