An Album of Random Images.
D2014_DSF0024 Cir-Pol
Landscape shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
D2014_DSF2218 London
Borough Market
D2014_DSF2257 Saltburn
Saltburn-by-the Sea on a winter's day.
A keen photographer and lover of traditional sports cars.
D2015_DSF4072 Cambridge
A 'bride' on a hen day out at the Baron of Beef
D2014_DSF0025 Cir-Pol
Portrait shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
_DXT5300 Cloud formations
Path, ridge and cloud
D2013_CB_0460 Duxford
D2014_DSF1069 Ruse
Camp on a bank of the Danube – Ponton Dve
D2013_DSF1276 France
Sunset on a windy beach at Ouistreham.
The blue carpet.
D2013_DSF1831 Beauly
Slight lacuna after Bob and Joan arrive, waiting for a table at the Corner on the Square.
Date: 09/07/2015 Views: 5171