An Album of Random Images.
"Dead Bear" on a rainey morinig Poohbear was no match for the 65# Husky
Velvet buck auditions for Santa's team? E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ, 1/50 @5.6 handheld. iso 1600 (ugh!)
Brave little squirrel facing down the camera.E-1, OMZ 100/2. Heavy crop)
Monarch 2B
Next Year's MonarchDecimates this years parsley.That 'piller is 1/2 inch long... must be all teeth.
Troopship KW
Man's inhumanity to man = A U.S. troopship during the Korean War (Among the things the recruiter never told you!)
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book sampling the feeder on our deck. E-1, 50/1.4@f4
Killer in action
Caught in the act...Oly C5050Z 1/8 @ f8
A Sheltered Tale
A Sheltering Tail - Soggy squirrel uses his tail to offset this morning's downpour.E-1, 135/2.8 OMZ-E 4.5@1/60, iso 800
Dandy II_1
Spring Croccci
P3111386 Half a herd
We have a ton of Cardinals... sometimes five or six males at the same time. Don't they know they're territorial? E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Date: 03/24/2019 Views: 5841