An Album of Random Images.
D2013DSCF0025 Tutor
Student and Instructor. This was her first flight for a year and the weather was great, adding to the overall success of the trip.
Sunset cruise
Going against the flow
We have a ton of Cardinals... sometimes five or six males at the same time. Don't they know they're territorial? E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Showy Tiger Swallowtail
D2013_DSF1223 St Pancras
The Frieze
Spanish stairs
The church on top is French though. 9-18mm (crop)
Still Life With Nameplate
Old Porter Memorial Hospital, Valparaiso, IN
Ice Trees
Chicago, IL
D2015_DSF4065 Cambridge
Date: 05/27/2015 Views: 5044