An Album of Random Images.
D2012_CB_1967 Frost
Frosty Road, vanishing.
D2013_CB_0372 Duxford
Mustang, engine covers removed, lined up at Duxford for engine runs.
Tower of London – over-exposed.
D2015_DSF4065 Cambridge
It's cold in here!
D2013_CB_0989 Keoldale
Kyle of Durness
D2013_CB_0460 Duxford
_DXT4845 Friday photography
Plenty of aircraft to fly and lovely weather, but no crash cover (fire engine).
D2014_DSF0024 Cir-Pol
Landscape shot at about 45deg to sun (hence flare) with Kood 52mm Cir-Pol
D2013_DSF1187 Bluebells
Bluebells and Colour
D2013_DSF1212 France
Seine and Île de la Cité at sunset
D2013_DSF1834 Beauly
Each member of staff was attentive and efficient.
Date: 04/27/2013 Views: 5755