An Album of Random Images.
Arnold's Valcour Fleet
There's a Storm A'Brewin'
Valparaiso, IN
Humes Spire
Memphis, TN
Welcome to Valparaiso
The new Vale Park Road bridge over Indiana 49 just outside of Valparaiso, IN.
Finally, some color! Daffies have buds, but nothing open. Was about to give up when I spotted this little (1") Crocus under the J/Maple.
The party venue. What I've been told is that the architect of this house was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. It certainly appears that way.
That bonnet
Man of Stone
Joe Clifford
Brandenburg Concerto 06/25/13
Old Porter Memorial Hospital
Fair Food
Porter County Fair, Valparaiso
Date: 07/22/2016 Views: 3180