An Album of Random Images.
Huge branch overloaded with fruit fell in storm. E-1/OM 50/3.5
Mid-term exam
These are some tough kids...(Relax - It's a gym (P.E.) class.) Cell phone shot
Backyard party
Just a reminder of what's coming soon! (Crappy Droid phone shot taken Mar 2014.)
Blue Eyes
P3111386 Half a herd
CONFUSION - Another morning walk (It's the dog.)this time in the fog. Found this web coated with moisture as the sun came up.
Too close... nearly fell off the deck trying get far enough back to focus the big gun, E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
Crow cover proof = jpeg
Not exactly a photo ;o) This is the cover (front & back) of my new children's book,and it's now available on
Athlete at work E-1, 300-4.5 OMZ
Rhody in rain this is about 12 foot high. E-1, 2.8/100 OMZ
My friend Red
OM 1n
$2.00 WRIST STRAP - Sold as a collar for small animals in most discount stores. Available in a wide variety of colors. The OM-1n is covered in Camera Leather's newest offering.
Date: 01/25/2015 Views: 6095