An Album of Random Images.
E-1, OMD 12-60 @ 60, mild crop
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book sampling the feeder on our deck. E-1, 50/1.4@f4
Dont step
"Don't step on my tail!" said the squirrel, dodging the buck's plodding advance.Oly E-1, OMZ 300/4.5
Time to PREY! (re-posted) This is closer to what I saw.
FIELD OF DREAMS? Canon G5 in macro mode - 1/20@f8, Leitz pocket-pod
Too close... nearly fell off the deck trying get far enough back to focus the big gun, E-1, 300/4.5 OMZ handheld
My friend Red
Athlete at work E-1, 300-4.5 OMZ
Rhody in rain this is about 12 foot high. E-1, 2.8/100 OMZ
A new set of twins... Seen for two weeks now. Can't seem to catch them out in the open. Better trim the apple trees, eh? Oly E-1, OMZ 300/4.5
P3121392 Little Scamp
Finally, some color! Daffies have buds, but nothing open. Was about to give up when I spotted this little (1") Crocus under the J/Maple.
Date: 04/23/2013 Views: 3619