Finally, some color!
Daffies have buds, but nothing open. Was about to give up when I spotted this little (1") Crocus under the J/Maple.
Date: 02/28/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4905
Lil Nasties
A gift for nature?
Someone with a sense of humor...
Date: 02/28/2016
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4303
Backyard party
Just a reminder of what's coming soon!
(Crappy Droid phone shot taken Mar 2014.)
Date: 03/17/2014
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4273
Japanese Maple
Lsst of the color on our lovely little 30 y/o Japanese Maple tree. Most of the leaves have browned or dropped. Caught the sunlight this morning.... Brrr 39 degrees. Just not ready for winter.
Date: 11/15/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3732
Eyecup Saver
Someone asked again about retention of viewfinder eyecups, accessory viewfinders and the like. Here's how I do it.Make a "lasso" or sliding loop one one end of a piece of fishing line (mono shown, braided works fine) to place around the base.
Date: 11/08/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4102
Bargain pair
Found a good cheap pocket knife (ok, knives) here, after a half-hour in the shop are the results. Softened and trued the edges on the sander, reshaped the relief for blade access, drilled out the rivets and removed the clip (Hey, it's a 'pocket' knife.)
Date: 11/07/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 4294
Bee & friend
Busy Bee and her little friend. Old Canon PowerShot G5 in macro-mode
Date: 11/01/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3327
Killer in action
Caught in the act...Oly C5050Z 1/8 @ f8
Date: 10/19/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3468
Pillar 1_1
Read to roost?I think this one is about to bundle up for the season.Oly C5050 f8@1/10
Date: 10/10/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3402
Monarch 2B
Next Year's MonarchDecimates this years parsley.That 'piller is 1/2 inch long... must be all teeth.
Date: 09/28/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3777
Boo comments
Aurora Rusty Boo responds to Leo Wesson's Sibe "Ivan".
Date: 03/05/2014
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3468
Peter Max I
Another Peter Max original from the late 60's/early 70's.
These were done for a syndicated newspaper feature and were published (On the funny pages) in Sunday papers across the country. (I was the cartoon art editor/promotion editor of the syndicate at t
Date: 09/09/2015
Owner: Rick Beckrich
Views: 3701