An Album of Random Images.
Lenten Rose
Rhody 2
To become this
Spring Croccci
Bay Walk
A family enjoying their stroll along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline in Calvert County Maryland on one of the last warm days. Canon G5
One of our many fuzzy tails eating bird food. Sometimes I think we're raising the whole colony. E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Luna Moth on the hood of Judi's Nissan. E-1/OM 50/3.5
IMG_5532 Siberian Squill
Tough little (They're dime-sized blossoms) buggers that handled our recent cold spat without a problem. Canon G5
Daffy II
First Daffy of the year... probsably be buried under the snow tonight.
IMG_5507- Frozen Japanese Maple
You had snow? We had ICE! Canon G5,
IMG_5435 Fog on the river
50's dragsters
Time travel - Look how short these original dragsters were.
Date: 09/08/2013 Views: 3864