An Album of Random Images.
Woods Poppies.. E-1 w/ 2.8/100 OMZ
We have a ton of Cardinals... sometimes five or six males at the same time. Don't they know they're territorial? E-1, Zuiko 200/4 @ f4
Lil Nasties
A gift for nature? Someone with a sense of humor...
Blue Eyes
Amy's gift (Edited to provide the name of the bloom,)
Another shade lover, a gift from our youngest daughter. This is the Lenten Rose, a member of the Hellebore family.
Icey deck
Even the birds were slippin' and slidin'.
Crow 01162017 017
One of our resident flock (murder) that inspired my kids book sampling the feeder on our deck. E-1, 50/1.4@f4
Woods Poppy
One of my favorite little flowers.. the shade loving "Woods Poppy" self-seeding and quietly spreading around our front porch (stoop , actually)
P8311022 First Bfly
First B'fly shot this year.Inspired by Jim to try an old favorite - my OMZ 2.8/100on the E-1. Sorry, I can't nail the focus like he did ;-(
Finally, some color! Daffies have buds, but nothing open. Was about to give up when I spotted this little (1") Crocus under the J/Maple.
Troopship KW
Man's inhumanity to man = A U.S. troopship during the Korean War (Among the things the recruiter never told you!)
On guard
Won't somebody PLEASE brush me?
Date: 10/29/2013 Views: 4840